Let’s get fired up! An authentic surge of motivation will change your life immediately. The best part of my day is seeing clients just like you achieve amazing results. Whether you drop a few sizes, lose the baby weight, get off your blood pressure meds, or shrink your waist, the excitement is always contagious. It’s …
The only trend that matters! Do you keep up with new trends in the world of fitness? There always seems to be a headline proclaiming the latest and greatest trend, each promising to be the solution that you’ve always needed. Of course, these trends pass with the seasons, quickly being replaced with something newer and …
Specializing in NYC’s Women’s Fitness The one thing you’re missing! There is one reason why most people haven’t yet reached their goals, and it’s a simple one. It’s something that I’ve struggled in the past, and it just may be the one thing that’s holding you back from your big breakthrough. That one thing is consistency. …
Try this FREE fast mini workout! Spring is a great time to put healthy habits into place. This season is about getting back into your routine and committing to your goals before the summer vacations hit! Join NYC Adventure Boot Camp on an amazing 4 week journey. You’re going to push, challenge and AMAZE yourself! …
Think Positive and Get Fit! Your mindset plays a big role when it comes to getting and staying fit. In the same way that an app on your phone is limited by the functions that have been programmed into it, your body is limited by the messages sent by your mind.If you have the …
2- step method for losing belly fat faster than ever. With holiday parties and gatherings quickly approaching, most of us are now thinking about looking our best while dressed in our finest. Too bad that losing body fat is a slow and steady process, rather than an instantaneous fix. However…I do have an extremely effective …
Meal prep made easy. It’s no secret that the most dedicated fitness enthusiasts partake in the world of meal prepping, and many confess that this is the secret weapon behind their jaw-dropping body transformations. Meal prep is without a doubt one of the most reliable ways to consistently shed pounds, week after week. Here …
Specializing in NYC’s Women’s Fitness 3 Essential Snacking Tips! A big part of eating for fat loss is keeping your metabolism going all day long with small, sensible meals and snacks. In theory, this is simple and easy: eat a little something every 2-3 hours throughout the day. Unfortunately very few people do it right, …
Fasting or Small Meals for quicker results? What’s the best eating strategy for fat loss? This is the question on the mind of those who are ready and motivated to transform their physique. A quick online search produces two popular eat-for-fat-loss strategies: Intermittent Fasting versus Six Small Meals. Which strategy works best? And which should …
12 Easy Steps For Beach Ready Abs. Spring has arrived, bringing with it the promise of warm weather to come. You know what happens when the weather warms up? People put on bathing suits. Are you ready to bare it all on the beach? If not, no worries, there is still time. Follow these 12 …