
Better than perfection

Do you follow fitness stars on social media? Their perfect, chiseled images popping up in your newsfeed to give you just the right amount of motivation to get you into the gym…or does it? Striving for perfection doesn’t always work. Quite frankly, perfection is unattainable, and will always leave you falling short and feeling bad …

The sum of your choices…

Each day is filled with choices. We chose whether or not to exercise, to eat a healthy breakfast, or to do something productive. We chose whether or not to eat that donut, to sleep in, or to watch an extra hour of TV. At the end of each day the sum of your choices pushes …

How to feel better

Most of the time, when encouraging you to exercise, I focus on your health and fitness goals. These are two significant benefits, but there’s another side effect of exercise that’s hugely important… How exercise makes you feel. Every workout has an immediate impact on your energy, mood, body chemistry, and even mental functioning. The endorphins …

the million dollar prize…

Have you noticed how difficult it can be to stick with your healthy eating and exercise plan? There’s always a good reason to take a break from the gym or to indulge in comfort foods. This keeps your ideal body just out of reach. There’s a very simple reason for this phenomenon: If you’re looking …

Why you’re not losing weight…

If losing fat were easy then we’d all look like fitness models, right? Unfortunately, the fat loss game is more frustrating than most care to admit. The scale quickly becomes a dreaded enemy—a constant bearer of bad news. If the number on your scale won’t budge then read on for an explanation: Possibility #1: You’re …

Nice abs!

A toned, lean stomach is the ultimate sign of a fitness plan that’s working. It’s also one of the hardest things to achieve. It’s time that you forget everything you’ve heard about how to sculpt your abs. The truth is that crunches simply won’t give you a six-pack. Ever. Doing crunches with the hope that …

3 Recipe Hacks for Fat Loss

Working out hard is an essential part of any fat loss plan. It sculpts your muscles, raises your resting metabolism, whittles down your waist and gives you functional strength and endurance. The only catch is that you can seriously slow, or even reverse, your results by eating poorly. There’s nothing quite as frustrating as when …

5 Moves to Tone Your Legs

Legs are one of the most common problem areas that clients complain about. Can you relate? Do you avoid wearing shorts and hate the thought of a bathing suit? If your thighs rub together, buns jiggle and dimples appear, it’s time to step up your leg routine. Whatever you’d like to improve about your legs, …

Crave less sugar

If I were to award a single food item with the title of ‘Fastest Way To Pack On The Pounds’, hands down the winner would be refined sugar. Today we eat 20 times more sugar than people did 200 years ago! No wonder we are bigger than ever… One of the reasons that your diet …

Get more from your workout

Here’s how to spend less time exercising, while achieving quicker, more noticeable results… Focus. It sounds obvious, but this crucial requirement for an effective workout is often overlooked. When you’re lifting weights, focus on that specific muscle group. Researchers have proven significant increase in muscle activity when people focused on what they were doing, compared to …