Slim down fast (6 tips)
Want to drop some body fat? Today I have 7 simple and effective ways for you to shed that unwanted body fat. While fat loss can be quite frustrating, these 7 strategies are proven to help you slim down fast.
1. Drink a Gallon of Water
Water is always a crucial element for proper bodily functions, and even more so when fat loss is your goal. The conversion of fat into energy takes place in your liver, and this process requires that you be well hydrated.
2. Cut out Alcohol
The first reason that alcohol should be cut out in order to lose fat is that it’s filled with empty calories. These are simple sugars that taste great but add up quickly as stored fat in all the wrong places.
The second reason that alcohol should be cut out is that the simple energy that your body derives from the alcohol will be used as energy long before your fat stores are tapped, making it impossible to reduce body fat on days when alcohol is consumed.
3. Do a mix between Strength training and Cardio
High Intensity Interval Training is a method that has been quite popular in the past decade – and for good reason. This advanced form of aerobics, when done correctly, is one of the most effective methods for burning fat.
HIIT is achieved by performing short, intense bursts of aerobic intervals between less intense bouts of aerobics. For example, 2 minutes of walking followed by a 30 second sprint, done for 20 minutes.
4. Cut out Processed Junk..!
5. Lift Weights
The act of lifting weights causes those targeted muscles to stimulate new muscle tissue growth. Now this doesn’t mean that your muscles are going to get noticeably larger (relax, ladies!) but it does mean that your muscle tissue will become tighter and more toned. The increase in muscle translates to a higher metabolism, which means that your body will naturally burn fat faster and more efficiently.
6. Work with a Fitness Professional
When your car needs new brakes, you take it to the mechanic. When you wake up with a fever and sore throat, you go to the doctor. When your hair gets too long, you go to get it cut. When you need to reduce body fat, you…try to do it all on your own? That makes no sense.
Look, we all have our expertise, and we rely on each other when in need. My expertise is fat loss. When people in our community need a new and improved body they come to me. I’m passionate about getting my clients results, and my programs have been proven effective.
Call or email me today to get started on a fat loss program that really works.
Hidden fat…
If you’ve ever gotten into the habit of frequenting a coffee shop at the same time each morning, then you know that most people drink the same thing every day. There’s the lady with her pumpkin latte with whip, the guy with his black coffee and the college student with her frappuccino. Same order every single day.
What’s your daily drink? If it contains sugar and is high in calories then you’ve just identified your easiest way to reduce body fat. Simply change your drink to something that is zero calorie. A green tea. Plain coffee. Water.
Change your sugar-laden morning drink to a zero calorie drink and try this for 30 days. You will be astounded at how much fat you will have lost with virtually zero effort.